100 Days of Running


It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog. I know, I know…everyone has been on pins and needles waiting for a new post. Like I’ve mentioned before, sometimes life happens, priorities shift and blogging doesn’t happen. You understand, don’t you?

Personally, 2013 has been a rough year. My Nana passed away in March. My mom passed away in July. And, to top things off, my aunt passed away about a week ago. I’m sad, mad, and yes, even happy all at the same time. If you’re interested, here’s a post I wrote about Mom: Remembering Mom: Career Coach & Difference Maker.

But, all of this has not stopped my running journey. I know Mom, Nana and aunt Debra are there in spirit, cheering me on. They’d say, “you can do it!” or “keep going!” or as Mom loved to say, “sheesh – I walked for 20 minutes today and I’m worn out…don’t know how you can run for hours at a time!” Mom loved using the word, “sheesh.” 🙂

I accepted a summer challenge from Runners World magazine to run at least one mile every day from Memorial Day to Independence Day. Altogether, that’s 39 consecutive days of running. 39 days = 111.3mi.

Zig Ziglar is credited with saying something like this: “the funny thing about goals is that as they’re achieved, the ceiling just continues to move up.”

So, I moved up the ceiling. Next goal: continue the running streak to 100 days. Yesterday (September 3) marked 100 days. 100 days = 330.8mi.

I gained a many things through this challenge. I shattered old records and personal bests (set 3 new 5K PR, a 10k Pr and a half marathon PR under 2hrs!) I learned how to balance my time better. I got a little bit closer with my brother who, by the way, is WAY faster than I am…must be his long legs. We ran laps and fartleks on the cruise ship during our family vacation this summer.

I made a new friend who may just be more addicted to running/racing than I am…which is a GOOD thing! And I stepped outside of my comfort zone, pushed the envelope and kept going despite the circumstances.

Now, time to raise the bar. The goal is to continue the streak, not just for the sake of the streak but for the peace running offers. Why stop at 100 days? Can I go 200? 300? A year? We’ll see! Raising the bar for September, I’ve committed to running a 5K every day of the month. That’s the goal. Fast, slow, in between…no matter the time, a 5K every day.

Oh, by the way, I’m still training for my next full marathon this year. 🙂 It’s the Williams Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, OK on Sunday, November 24. I’d appreciate all your support, well-wishes and good vibes as I set out to finish strong. The Thanksgiving turkey will be extra tasty this year after 26.2 miles!

Thank you for your support of me and my family. Like I said, 2013 has been rough, but we’ll get through it. 2014 is on the horizon!

About Kirk Baumann

I connect people to purpose and launch careers | Talent Acquisition Professional | Media & Communication Strategist

Posted on September 4, 2013, in Runner's Log and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. He’s streaking! Keep it up man!

  2. I can’t even imagine coping with that much loss, and I admire you for your determination. You’re doing great and your miles are an inspiration! Hang in there, be safe and keep on running.

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